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CQS as the association of seven certification companies is the leading certification body in Czech Republic with over 100 qualified auditors and wide range of certification services in most industry sectors and services. Accredited for quality, environmental, health and safety, IT services, infromation security, medical devices, food, welding and energy management systems. CQS is a member of IQNET – the International Certification Network, formed by 36 certification bodies with more than 200 subsidiaries worldwide. Through the cooperation with our partners we can also offer certification for automotive and railway industry.

Our members are The Electrotechnical Testing Institute, Physical –Technical Testing Institute , Institute for Testing and Certification, Inc., Engineering Test Institute, Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague and Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague, Branch Office – Test Institute of the Light Industries.

The members of CQS offer, in addition to QMS certification, conformity assessment (CE), product certification, testing, inspection and calibration as well in each sector.

CQS is proud to be a member of IQNET since 1998. IQNet partners certified more than 310'000 companies in 150 countries, i.e. about 30% market share worldwide . IQNET can appoint 17'000 auditors and experts in all main economic sectors, auditing in more than 30 different languages.
IQNET is the biggest certification network in the World.

General Information

CQS is the right choice for you – With us you become better.


CQS members

Electrotechnical testing institute Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague Institute for testing and certification Textile testing institute Physical-Technical Testing Institute Engineering Test Institute

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