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IQNET Unveils New Look


IQNET Unveils New Look IQNET Association launched its new brand as approved by the General Assembly, in which CQS is a part of.

The new IQNET logo blue tone is a perfect reflection of IQNET Association’s excellence and trustworthiness in the field of conformity assessment.  The revolutionary changes represent our key promise to all our stakeholders – “together, we build value and trust around the world, for people and businesses to create a sustainable future.”

IQNET.  Building trust together.

IQNET Association through the cooperation of its Partners - represented by CQS in Czech Republic - harness vast amounts of information and expertise to develop vital knowledge for the benefit of the business sectors, standardization, and conformity assessment communities. Built on long time experience, IQNET Partners strictly adhere to the rules of the Association by maintaining and providing professional, reliable, and responsible services. Being ‘Glocal’ earns the trust of the business sector, thanks to our unique leadership and expertise combined with IQNET’s global recognition.

Waves of changes be seen in the coming months

Changes on the new IQNET logo and marks will be gradually introduced this year - from CQS to our certified clients.  Our customer representatives will contact and guide our certified organizations accordingly during this transition.

Author: Lenka Šardziková   |   Section: News   |   Print   |   Send article to friend


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