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The first IQNet SR 10 corporate social responsibility certificate was granted in the Czech Republic


The first IQNet SR 10 corporate social responsibility certificate was granted in the Czech Republic The TOP 100 Czech companies Gala-evening was held on June 19, 2012 in Palace Žofín in Prague and the first CSR certificate was granted in the framework of the ceremony. CQS – Czech association for quality systems certification granted the certificate to company CAR CLUB Ltd.

The certified company offers complex program of products and services for disabled people in the Czech Republic.
The SR 10 Certificate and a special bowl was granted by Mrs. Jana OLŠANSKÁ, Head of the certification body CQS and Mr. Vladimír FILIAČ, The president of CQS to Mr. Milan SMUTNÝ, Director for marketing and public relations of CAR CLUB Ltd. at the ceremony.
Specification IQNet SR 10 was created by international certification network IQNet. It is based on ISO 9001 structure and considers the principles and core subjects of international standard ISO 26000. The SR 10 certificate acknowledges the certified organization complies with SR 10 requirements and implements them actively to its management system. The advantage of SR 10 is, it is possible to involve its arrangement to integrated management systems and enrich it for measures that ensure good and fair manners in certified companies. The SR 10 certification supports fair conditions of staff in companoes and their positive perception in environment they operate.

Author: Lenka Šardziková   |   Section: News   |   Print   |   Send article to friend


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